Featured E-Books

Stone medicine is as old as the earth. There is a Spirit within each stone, alive with sacred sweet earth energy. They are the Proverbial Record Keepers of the world, containing all the stories and secrets of Mother Earth. I developed Sacred Stone Massage Therapy to Newport, RI in 1999 while renting a summer home on a powerful stone beach. I have been a stone collector since I was 5 years old and wanted to bring the power of stones into my healing practice. My intention for this E-Book is for my students to learn and apply these techniques and theories in order to elevate their healing practice and raise the vibration of the planet by exploring and attuning to the mineral kingdom.
By adding Sacred Stone Therapy to my traditional massage practice, I witnessed my clients sinking deeper into a transcendental state that could only be attained while using the heat and shakti of the sea stones. They enjoyed my regular massages, but they called my Sacred Stone Therapy as “Spiritual Experience” that interfaced harmoniously with the restorative science of massage therapeutics. The stones embody the ability to remove stress, melt knots, soften pain and with proper placement, they can correct postural imbalances. I was known for my deep massages, but when I added the heat from the stones, I could go even deeper without pain. I was booking 3 months out with amazing results.
This book will teach massage therapists, or anyone interested in healing, how to integrate aspects of Ayurveda into their massage practice. The student will learn step-by-step practical Ayurvedic techniques, moves, and applications. This information can easily integrate into western massage therapies. Ayurveda is the science of life and is imprinted within our very DNA and in our askashic records. This book may serve as a portal to reawaken the innate wisdom of self-healing in your consciousness.
Ayurveda is the science of long life; of self-healing; of daily living; of digestion. Ayur: “life” Veda: “knowledge”. Based on Samkhaya’s philosophy, Ayurveda is ancient medical science that can help individuals make wise, conscious choices about daily living and staying healthy. It is a comprehensive medical system that includes, yoga, diet, bodywork, psychology, surgery, consciousness, herbs, gynecology, pediatrics, astrology and much more.
Based on Sankhaya’s philosophy, Ayurveda is ancient mystical, biological, spiritual, medical sciences that can help individuals make wise, conscious choices about daily living and staying healthy. It is a comprehensive medical system that includes, yoga, diet, bodywork, psychology, surgery, herbs, gynecology, pediatrics, astrology, and much more. The sacred knowledge of Ayurveda has been handed down from the guru (teacher) to the student for thousands of years.

This E-Book includes many components of Sacred Stone Massage Therapy, but is focused more on the upper body, oils and marma point therapy for longevity and beauty. Students will learn how to massage of the face, neck, shoulders, décolleté, hands and feet using fresh lemon, ointments, stones and salves. We cradled the entire body in warm smooth stones, supporting the joints, correcting postural imbalances and removing pain.
As a form of contract hydrotherapy, I teach how to alternate chilled snow-quartz and warm, textured and heated smooth granite mineral composite sea stones as extensions of my hands and heart, as well as tools for massage, healing, rejuvenation and beauty. Marma points are junctions of consciousness where vata, pitta and kapha meet. They are doorways into the physical body and energy body. We use these sacred points for analysis as well as remedial measures. During this therapy, marma points on the upper body are awakened, providing more vitality to the entire body, stimulating circulation and imparting a rosy glow to the face. I teach how to incorporate crystal gemstone therapy along the marma points and other strategic locations to move and clear heavy energy.
An emphasis on gliding, mudra and effleurage techniques combined with the stones sets this E-Book apart from most others. Students will learn about the healing properties of neem-coconut-lavender oils, sinus clearing oils and how to apply a raw honey mask, along with other ancient Ayurvedic longevity and beauty secrets.
Explore the concepts, theory and history of hydro and thermo- therapy based on the time-proven principles of the ancient science of Ayurveda. Learn why thermo-hydrotherapy is so restorative and beneficial before and after massage, as well as a treatment on it’s own. Learn a step by step sequence as taught by Dr. John Doulliard, called garshana therapy using raw silk gloves for friction massage. Other restorative applications include massage, energy-work and fresh lemon and salt on the feet to encourage systemic detoxification since the feet are the most active terminal exit point for toxins and pain in the body.
The other applications may include muds, honey, herbal oils and other materials to aid in removing impurities, stimulates both arterial and lymphatic circulation, and calms the central nervous system, promoting a blissful sensation. Specific marma points are located and activated in this session with light touch, along with components of cryo-therapy as a way to create homeostasis and balance in the body with the steam. The steam is a form of thermo-hydrotherapy that is produced by a steam canopy that fits over the massage table.
Thermo-therapy can be defined by inducing perspiration from heating the body’s core temperature. The steam tent is designed to induce perspiration, relaxation and detoxification. The steam will encourage toxins to loosen and soften within the body so that they move more readily into the gastrointestinal tract, supporting elimination. This therapy ignites digestive fire, metabolic fire and the immune system of all the cells within the body. It brings deep relaxation, removes stress and crystallized negative emotions and should be personalized according to the client’s emotional and physical status.

This E-Book includes many components of Sacred Stone Massage Therapy, but is focused more on the upper body, oils and marma point therapy for longevity and beauty. Students will learn how to massage of the face, neck, shoulders, décolleté, hands and feet using fresh lemon, ointments, stones and salves. We cradled the entire body in warm smooth stones, supporting the joints, correcting postural imbalances and removing pain.
As a form of contract hydrotherapy, I teach how to alternate chilled snow-quartz and warm, textured and heated smooth granite mineral composite sea stones as extensions of my hands and heart, as well as tools for massage, healing, rejuvenation and beauty. Marma points are junctions of consciousness where vata, pitta and kapha meet. They are doorways into the physical body and energy body. We use these sacred points for analysis as well as remedial measures. During this therapy, marma points on the upper body are awakened, providing more vitality to the entire body, stimulating circulation and imparting a rosy glow to the face. I teach how to incorporate crystal gemstone therapy along the marma points and other strategic locations to move and clear heavy energy.
An emphasis on gliding, mudra and effleurage techniques combined with the stones sets this E-Book apart from most others. Students will learn about the healing properties of neem-coconut-lavender oils, sinus clearing oils and how to apply a raw honey mask, along with other ancient Ayurvedic longevity and beauty secrets.
Ayurveda teaches us many different bodywork modalities, including an oil massage technique called Abhyanga. Abyhanga is a Sanskrit word meaning “to rub the limbs”, usually with warm herbal oil. Abhyanga massage soothes, softens and lubricates the bodily tissues so that toxins are released. It involves the external application of therapeutic and rejuvenating herbal and medicinal oils with effleurage and other gliding strokes that respect the energetic direction of the physiology and the flow of digestion, assimilation and elimination. This modality becomes a medium for divine grace and healing when the practitioner brings attention to their third eye and the moment-to-moment flow of their prana.
Abhyanga is useful in maintaining immunity, nourishing various tissues of the body and cleansing impurities. It is also useful for stiffness, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, diseases of the nervous system, tremors, misalignment, osteoarthritis, improves lymphatic and cardiac circulation. Abyhanga relaxes the mind and promotes inner tranquility. When done properly, abhyanga can bring about feelings of calm acceptance and gratitude.
This E-Book will cover sacred and valuable information about the healing properties of herbal oils, the application, sequence and benefits of detoxification and rejuvenation as a result. A base oil of sesame is generally the traditional oil of choice, according to the ancient scriptures of Ayurvedic medicine. In addition, sesame oil is a powerful delivery system for vitamin E through your skin, which is deficient in 27% of the population and critical for healthy skin and skin protection. Studies show that self-massage produces oxytocin, which has shown to balance our immune system and hormones, increase our overall fitness, provide a “glow of health” as seen in our skin and hair, increase our skin wound-healing capability, and even have significant positive effect upon our mood and behavior. Using herbal sesame oils only enhance these effects, as the cooked herbs allow the oil to better penetrate the skin and ultimately deliver a more therapeutic result.

Our ABS© E-Book was designed to instruct readers how to use the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic healing principles and touch therapy systems to help remedy the stress of today’s world. Readers will learn the foundations of medical Ayurveda, how to access and classify pain, find specific pain remedies, specific applications of oils, poultices, thermo and hydrotherapy, healing muds/pastes, marma pressure points, herbal potions and the anointing of other therapeutic substances on the body.
Readers will learn how to harmonize bodywork modalities with the seasons, doshic diet and routine protocols, using neutral, safe and innocuous oils, energy medicine, intuitive awakening of the soul’s innate healing gifts, therapeutic applications and pastes as well as be able to demonstrate proficiency using hands-on techniques. The material in this manual is rooted in the ancient healing modalities of ‘pancha karma’, a Sanskrit word referring to India’s ancient purification and rejuvenation system.
Readers will uncover modified, yet sacred and powerful versions of this ancient system. The scope of practice that this impressed upon the reader is geared for the “general” population, where the disease process has not advanced past the 4th stage. Clinical pancha karma should be performed with or by a doctor and is a very medically effective, time-proven approach that transforms the human physiology.